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Level 3

Linux link to a file wit relative path

I want to create a link to a file with the option "existing file", and it's impossible to create this link, could you explain me the syntax with an example for a relative path?

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(6) Replies
Level 7

You can provide the relative path using IA variables, like '$USER_HOME$$\$file.txt' in the existing file field and provide the destination path with name in the corresponding fields.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks a lot:)
But if the file doesn't exist, IA doesn't create the link, that's a new problem!
0 Kudos
Level 7

Link is a shortcut to some file. So if the file doesn't exist, a link cannot be created. If you want to create the link after checking for file existence, add a 'Check if file exists' rule to the action.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Yes of course but on Unix you can use the commande 'ln' to create a link to a file even if the doesn't exist. Is it possible on IA?
0 Kudos
Level 7

For that case, you can try the Execute Command action.

Let me know if it works.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Yes it works, you need to use the Execute Script Command and fill with your command without forgetting to use before the cd command to set the good directory! Thanks
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