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Level 3

Linux disk quotas not being caught

We've had several incidents with our customers related to our InstallAnywhere based installers not flagging disk quota violations. In one case the installation caused the user to exceed their disk space quota; in another case it was the quota on the number of files that exceeded. Needless to say neither installation worked, but there were no warnings of any kind issued by the installer.

We do see available disk space issues being caught and flagged by the installer in cases where there are no quotas. It seems to be the "quotas" that IA is not taking into account.

Known bug? Or are we forgetting something?

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Level 20

Well, by design the installer needs 3 times its size as free disk space, but it might as well not trigger quota. As for the number of files, even if the installer unpacks its resources, not every individual file is unpacked, so for instance a speedfolder it's a single .jar file, but it can contain hundreds of files.
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