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Level 3

InstallAnywhere Uninstall Log location


I have added some custom code in InstallAnywhere uninstallation part.
but i am not able to check whether my custom code executing or or not.

how i can check this?
is there any uninstallation log, if so, where i can found?

thanks in advance.
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(2) Replies
Level 9

You can debug your uninstaller by setting values to lax.stderr.redirect & lax.stdout.redirect in the uninstaller properties (edit uninstall launcher properties from IA or edit uninstall.lax file before launching uninstaller)

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Level 6

Below are the steps to configure the uninstall log.
Step 1: Navigate to Install task.
Step 2: Expand Uninstall_$PRODUCT_NAME$ tree.
Step 3: Select Uninstall $PRODUCT_NAME$.
Step 4: In Properties section, click on “Edit Properties”, Uninstaller properties windows opens.
Step 5: Under “lax.stderr.redirect” property, provide the location of the log.
Step 6: Under “lax.stdout.redirect” property, provide the location where the logs have to be generated.
Step 7: Click on OK.

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