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Level 3

Install SQL Express 2008 R2 (64 Bit) - Best Practices?

Install Platform:
Server 2008 R2
InstallAnywhere 2011 Enterprise


I have the following requirement to install SQL Server Express R2 as a per-requisite to a web app and service I am installing.

MS SQL Server Express 2008 R2 (64 Bit)

Current file is SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe

Instance Configuration: No change, s/b named instance and ID is SQLExpress with default path

Server Configuration: Set SQL Server Database Engine "Account Name" to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and set SQL Browser startup type to automatic

Database Engine Configuration:
Set Authentication Mode to Mixed

I have tried to use "Execute Target File" with the appropriate switches but nothing happened and no useful log information was created.

I need to install the database server, set it as a Host and run a MS SQL script against it. What are the best practices for doing this??

The product documentation and forums are VERY WEAK when it comes to Advanced Installer topics.


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Level 3

Although it may not be ideal, here is the solution I came up with. It gives you granular control over the SQL Express install.

The SQL install file is packed with our installation then the Setup folder is deleted after. To install SQL Express

Step 1:
Add a new "Execute Script" task.. named "Unpack SQL Express".
Specify this command:
$USER_INSTALL_DIR$$/$SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe /extract: "c:\temp\sql" /q

This will unpack all the setup files and allow you to execute all the switches (or config file) against the SQL Express setup.exe file.

Step 2:
Add a new "Execute Script" task.. named "Install SQL Express".
Specify this command:
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