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Level 6

How to set IA variable inside execute script/batch file action


I am trying to set a IA variable inside Execute Script/Batch file action as below

regsvr32 /s IDMESignature.dll
if %errorlevel% ==0 (echo IDMESignature.dll registration Succeded) else (
echo IDMESignature.dll registration failed

both $IS_REGISTRATION$,$IS_REGISTRATION_FAILED$ are assigned with values using set Install Anywhere variable action.

But the variable is not setting if i set above.

even i tried by setting like $IS_REGISTRATION$="false" or $IS_REGISTRATION$="false" , still no i use.

Could you please let me know how to set a IA variable inside Execute script/batch file action.I am able to access the variable that was declared out side the script only thing is i can not set the variable.

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(1) Reply
Level 20

IA variables have meaning only inside IA, not inside a .bat script. IMHO, the correct logic would have been to use Execute Command and have the IA variable set to the desired variable based on the rule of testing the error level of the respective command.
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