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Level 4

How to display PDF file


Using IA2010 I'm looking for a mean to show some PDF files during the installation process.
I did not find anything about it in the forum.

One solution could be to launch acroread.exe,
but there are several target platforms, not only windows.

Beyond that, acroread is not necessary installed on the target machine.

The problem is so common that a simple solution should exist.
so, if somebody knows ....

Thank you
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(2) Replies
Level 20

Well, maybe the problem is not so common after all, your installer would be the first one doing that! 🙂 I mean, during installation people want to install the software and not read PDF files (which can be done after installation or before, but again not during installation). Then again, if you really want to do that, you may put links to those files and when the user clicks on it it shall launch Adobe Acrobat Reader, if installed.
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Level 4

Thanks PV,

I think I'll try portable viewers like Sumatra

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