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Level 2

HP-UX Un-Install Fails To Find JVM

I've recently been involved in porting an application to a number of platforms and have discovered that the uninstall procedure on HP-UX fails because it can't find the JVM. Looking into this further, I've discovered that the properties file uninstaller.lax has an incorrect setting for which has a value of "/jre/jre/bin/java". All other platforms I've ported to have "../jre/jre/bin/java"...the difference being the all important "..". The uninstaller combines the home directory for the application with the value and is correct for the latter value (on the other platforms) but fails on HP because it's pointing to a non-existent directory.
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Level 7

This is a known bug, I reported it also after release of IA 2008... but still exists in IA 2009.
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