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Level 7

File chooser default

In 2008, when I had a file chooser in Get User Input--Advanced, and I provided a default filename, if the user clicked on "choose", they were placed in the filesystem AT THAT DEFAULT. Now it seems to place them at "My Documents" -- not at all what I want. Is there any way to say "this is the default and I mean it"? I didn't see any obvious checkboxes, though I see a bunch of new stuff in the file chooser configuration.
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Level 9

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Level 7

Well that sounded like it had potential, but setting $IA_BROWSE_FOLDERS$ to Swing did not help; I still get My Documents as a default when I click Choose, rather than the folder to which I set the default. I think we may have support for a while due to the Christmas Bonus package that was in effect when we upgraded; perhaps it's time to find out how that works. (Eek, there's a typo in the documentation. In one place it says $IA_BROWSE_FOLDERS$ and in another it says $IA_BROWSE_FOLDER$. However, I tried both and neither helped.)
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Level 9

nosrednayduj wrote:
Well that sounded like it had potential, but setting $IA_BROWSE_FOLDERS$ to Swing did not help; I still get My Documents as a default when I click Choose, rather than the folder to which I set the default. I think we may have support for a while due to the Christmas Bonus package that was in effect when we upgraded; perhaps it's time to find out how that works. (Eek, there's a typo in the documentation. In one place it says $IA_BROWSE_FOLDERS$ and in another it says $IA_BROWSE_FOLDER$. However, I tried both and neither helped.)

You are right, it does not work with file chooser and always open the "My Documents" path.
This only work for directory chooser.

I tried settings $IA_BROWSE_FILES$ (yes, I tried ;-)), but it does not work either 😉

Btw, the correct sentence for directory chooser is $IA_BROWSE_FOLDERS$.

If you only need to select one file in a panel, then user "Choose File" Panel Action which work like you want.

Maybe you can ask directly to support if there are some other special settings for this ?

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Level 7

I figured out how to activate my support and reported the bug. They agree it's a bug and I should look for a solution in the next release. There is no workaround in 2010. Bah humbug!
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