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Level 2

Errors running IA 2012 EE SP1

I'm having some issues with IA 2012 EE SP1
Running on a linux box, pointing to a license server on a different linux box which is successfull serving licenses to other IA installs so I don't think the issue is with the license server (but obviously its a possibility)
The version of IA, is installed on a mounted filesystem which is mounted read only and IA seems to be trying to run an update and failing.
Is this due to an error in the install process ? or it is something which can be turned off ?

The version of IA was licensed, but after errors using it, it has un-registered and registered, but no change in errors.

Errors and additional info below.
Any help much appreciated

bash-3.00$ ./build -unregister
InstallAnywhere has been unregistered
bash-3.00$ ./build -ls
Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
You have successfully registered this copy of InstallAnywhere.

then afterward running IA generates errors which can be reproduced easily by just running build also.

$ ./build

(ouput starts with)

Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
Port was not specified - So using 27000 as port seems to be open
Starting Update Service
Started Update Service
Looking up Update Service
UpdateService-Err>isus.UpdateServiceException: /./isus/ (Read-only file system)

(and ends with)
InstallAnywhere has experienced an error building/saving this project.
InstallAnywhere has experienced an error building/saving this project. Please consult the build log (console.txt) for additional information concerning this problem. For further assistance, please contact InstallAnywhere Technical Support.
logNonCEIPDataForSales(): NoRouteToHostException: Update Server is not available.
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(1) Reply
Level 20

Have you contacted the IA TS?
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