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Level 3

Editing iap_xml

In our application, we have a folder "C:\program files\JEES\", in which our application product installations are placing the file winpref.js by installanywhere .

But once the file is placed by one product installation, it is not being replaced by the next product installation.

Can any one tell me any particular property I have to add in iap_xml, so that every product installation replaces this file winpref.js in the folder "C:\program files\JEES\"

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(4) Replies
Level 20

There is no such property, you need to use a built-in action.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the reply vlad. Builtin function means, project set up templates in installanywhere? Can you please explain it. I cannot start a new project set up now in this existing project. I have to modify this in already exising installanywhere setup.
0 Kudos
Level 3


I have selected "Do not Uninstall" and "Always Overwrite"in installanywhere package set-up.

Can you tell me that the file will get overwrite even the option "Do not uninstall" is checkedin.
0 Kudos
Level 20

Do not uninstall only instructs IA not to remove that particular file when uninstalling (i.e. leave it behind) (useful for configuration files that get modified by the end-user and / or the installed application).
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