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Level 3

Detecting java

I am new to installAnywhere.
I see we have two installation packages one with VM and one without it
I want to dynamically detect if my system has java
if it there the i want to intstall the NOVM installer
else the one with VM installer

Any ideas how to do it.
I tried with html it seems to work
But is there a way that i can implement it in installAnywhere
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(1) Reply
Level 20

InstallAnywhere is Java based so Java is needed for your installer to run. You can customize in your project what is the minimum version to run, what is the JVM type (Microsoft, Sun etc.) but depending on what it is installed on the system you might run into surprises (for instance your installer won't run because there is no Java at all installed). So what I recommend is to always bundle a VM for the installer but never install it (I understand from your post that your application doesn't need Java to run, right?)
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