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Level 2

Custom Code not working

hi All,

I am using InstallAnywhere 2009 SP1 Enterprise edition, I tried creating a Custom class with some code, i put my class in a jar file and specify that location in "Path" and the name of the class file in "class". but when i run it, it seems its not getting inside the custom code 😞 .
Is there any way by which we can debug the custom code that whether it is getting inside the code or not?

If anybody has any idea please let me know..thanks in advance for help!

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(3) Replies
Level 6

In which langauge the custom code is written? Java?
0 Kudos
Level 2

yes it is written in Java language
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

As a sanity check, does code calling JOptionPane.showMessageDialog work? Something like this, perhaps:
import javax.swing.*;

public class FirstCustomCodeAction extends CustomCodeAction
public void install(InstallerProxy ip)
"Greetings from FirstCustomCodeAction!");
public void uninstall(UninstallerProxy up)
// do nothing during uninstallation
public String getInstallStatusMessage( )
return "Installing FirstCustomCodeAction...";
public String getUninstallStatusMessage( )
return "Uninstalling FirstCustomCodeAction...";
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