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Level 3

Creating an Oracle Host with custom variables

I'd like to create an Oracle Host to run some simple, JDBC compliant scripts during my install.

What is the proper procedure to pass IA_variabes to the Database Server host?

I'm capturing HOSTNAME, PORT, DBNAME, USER, and PWD on a panel during pre-install and storing them as custom IA variables.

I'd like to be able to pass these to the "Run SQL Script" action, but it does not appear to allow me to pass in vars.

Is there another approach I should be using?

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Level 3

I ended up writing a custom panel that collects the information and opens a JDBC connection to validate the user input.

I couldn't figure out how to use the IA functionality. My custom panel does the job, which I guess is all that matters...
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Level 20

I'm afraid that this was the only solution as AFAIK there is nothing builtin in IA for database actions.
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Level 2

I was wondering, can we run Oracle universal Installer in Post-Install?

Post-Install, Add Action -> Execute Command -> run Oracle Universal installer
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Level 20

Yes, I think so, why couldn't you?
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