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Level 2

Choose Alias, Link, Shortcut Panel Problem

Hi. I have a problem on the Choose Alias, Link, Shortcut Panel.
On the panel, "Create Icons for All Users" check box is checked by default since I set "All Users Programs Menu" as a Default Shortcut Folder in Project | Platforms | Windows pane(the variable "$USER_SHORTCUTS$" is set to the shortcut for all users). However, if I select and edit the text field on the top named "In a new Program Group" and click "Next", the value of the variable "$USER_SHORTCUTS$" chages to the value that is the shortcut for the currently logged on user. If I leave the text field, or I check the check box right before click "Next"(even if I edit the text field), the variable keeps the value. Is there any solution for this problem?
Sorry if there is already a thread for same topic.
Thank you.
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Level 2

By the way, I use InstallAnywhere 2008 Enterprise.
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