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Level 5

Check System Architecture


i have some questions about the "Check System Architecture"

e.g. i have binaries for win64IA and winx86_64 now i add two USER_MAGIC_FOLDER's.

The one with win64IA has the following rules:
Check Platform -> Win all
Check System Architecture -> Intel 64-Bit(IA-64, Itanium)

and the one with winx86_64 has:
Check Platform -> Win all
Check System Architecture -> AMD 64 bit(AMD64, x86_64....)

at the build task i have 2 Build Targets one with the VM for IA-64 and one with the VM for AMD64.

When i build now this two packages, IA2008 put all win binaries in each package.... (without VM both packages have the same size but the binaries dont have the same size...).

My question:

I wont put all windows binaries in a e.g IA64 package is there any way to tell IA2008 to package only the USER_MAGIC_FOLDER where IA64 binaries located

some additional note/bug? when i installed the AMD64 package it installed both binaries (IA64 and AMD64), ignoring the given rules which are associated with an AND.

MFG Valentin
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(1) Reply
Level 5

Ah i know why IA2008 installed all binaries ... i have to define for every single file a rule...
At IA 8 i think you had only to assigne one rule to the installation folders (e.g $USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1$) at the installation task and the whole stuff inside wont be installed...
Is this a bug or a feature of IA2008?
The other question above still exists...
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