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Level 2

Can I prevent multiple install from running at same time?

On windows platform, installer is just a executable file so user can double click the file and start a instance of a installer and start another instance by doing same thing. Does InstallAnywhere provide any support to prevent this?
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(10) Replies
Level 3

I'm not aware of InstallAnywhere supporting anythign like this. However, you may be able to use tasklist to see if is already running.
0 Kudos
Level 6


InstallAnywhere doesnt support the multipe instances with IA2009. This will be taken care with IA Future releases.

0 Kudos
Level 2

I wanted to block multiple installation/uninstallation to be blocked. This was the behavior with Installshield 11.5. But IA is allowing multiple installations/uninstallations to proceed at the same time causing many issues.

Please help
0 Kudos
Level 3

You can create custom action that will check if another instance of installer is started. Place it first in pre-install actions.
0 Kudos
Level 4

But how do we find an instance is already running? There is way to find the installer running using the installer's name in the task list. But this is not a solution at all!! The user can change the name of the installer and we are done. Any other thoughts on this?
0 Kudos
Level 20

How about assuming the end-user is intelligent enough NOT to launch 2 installers and the same install and proceed with the installation with both of them at the same time?!? How often could this occur?!?
0 Kudos
Level 4

hmmm. Valid point. It all depends upon the application that you are going to install. If you have services created and start/stop of those services, then you are going to face sever errors during install. Is there any other way atleast to find the existence of this another install process?
0 Kudos
Level 20

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I see the point between those two items (starting / stopping services & running 2 copies of the uninstallers). We have for instance an installer that installs services and uninstaller that uninstalls them... but I never ever considered a customer would run 2 installers / uninstallers at the same time...
0 Kudos
Level 4

What you have said is correct. The end user will not even think about having two simultaneous installation. But there is a middleware between developers and end user's, Tester. We developers have to satisfy them before the product goes live(Joking).:rolleyes:
0 Kudos
Level 20

Well, above all that dev & tester, there should be a manager. If you manage to convince him that you've got to put lotsa dev into contending those testers for what's an extremely improbable use case, then maybe you'll mange to put this away.
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