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Build generated in InstallAnywhere 2021 SP2 with adoptium jdk-17.0.8+7adoptium jdk-17.0.8+7 fails to launch

We tried to create an installer for application using a manual java VM created from adoptium jdk-17.0.8+7. The installer does not run but when we downgraded java to adoptium jdk-17.0.7+7 the installer works fine.

The install anywhere application used was InstallAnywhere 2021 SP2.

We were unable to know the reason for this error. Can anyone help me on this?

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(6) Replies

A new JRE enhancement patch in Java 11 and Java 17 causes installers to crash due to new restrictions on ZipFS. As part of the fix for JDK-8251329, restrictions were added to the ZipFS provider to throw an exception if opening a ZIP file that contained entries with "." or ".." in its name elements. This behavior change may be problematic in older environments where modification of such ZIP files may be difficult. In order to overcome this issue, a new system property was added that can be used to revert to the original behavior.

To solve the issue,

1. Navigate to Project->JVM Settings->Installer Settings

2. Add argument -Djdk.nio.zipfs.allowDotZipEntry=true in Additional arguments.

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Thank you @vjayaraman for the feedback. However, it did not solve the problem. For now, we went ahead with jdk-17.0.7+7. If we have to go to 17.0.8 in future, I will post a new thread with my question.

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Hello @vjayaraman 

We are facing the same issue with our Installers not launching with Java 17.0.8 and Java 11.0.20 versions. We tried the JVM argument as specified by you in the above comment in the Addition arguments. But it did not solve the problem. Even with the argument being set, the installers are not launching. Could you please provide some solution for this. 


Linux or Windows?

If its Linux,

set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS= environment variable.

You need to set it in the /etc/environment

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Thanks for the reply @vjayaraman . If we add the additional arguments in Installer Settings, does it not work for linux ? Do we need to do it separately by setting the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS ? 

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In Linux,

You need to set environment variable. Goto etc/environemt file then set JAVA_TOOL_OPTION =-Djdk.nio.zipfs.allowDotZipEntry=true

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