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Level 2

Build a application with option to register as windows service

Hi All,
We have build an application using installanywhere 2009 and we are in a requirement to provide an option during installtion to register the application as a windows service. Do we have any option in installanywhere to configure this option? Any thoughts would help us.
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(4) Replies
Level 20

In IA you only have an option to start/stop/pause a Windows service. You would need 3rd party tools to register as a Windows service (there are free Java libraries which do that).
0 Kudos
Level 4

You can do this way.

1. Create an EXE to register your application as Windows Service using the Windows Service Manager.
2. Add a panel in the 'postinstall' section of your project to get the user input whether he/she wants to create register the application as a Windows Service.
3. Based on the user input (in #2), add an action 'Execute Command' to run the EXE (created in #1) with required paramters (Eg: 'install' to register the service, 'uninstall' to unregister etc)

This should help you.

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Level 3

Does any body know how can we Register service for Linux? any thoughts?
0 Kudos
Level 20

It's been a while since I've last touched a Linux, but depending on the flavour you need to put your executable somewhere, and then have links created in /etc/init.rd/[runlevel(s)] for starting and stopping the service (Ssome2digits number for starting, Ksome2digits for stopping). Just look at what exists and do the same...
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