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lc_flexinit failed: 20 error

lc_flexinit failed: 20 error


Lmflex fails with the error 'lc_flexinit failed: 20'.


Lmflex fails with the error 'lc_flexinit failed: 20'.
Why is this and how can it be fixed?


The "lc_flexinit failed: 20" error is caused when FLEXnet Licensing Service isn't installed on a system. Because FNP 11.x SDK was built with Trusted Storage, if trusted storage is not initialized first, this error occurs.


To initialize lmflex in Trusted Storage, execute "installanchorservice.exe <publisher name> <product name>" in the SDK directory. For example, "installanchorservice.exe demo lmflex."
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Last update:
‎Nov 06, 2008 03:36 AM
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