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How does flex check backdating the computer in Trusted Storage

How does flex check backdating the computer in Trusted Storage


How does flex check backdating the computer in Trusted Storage


We are using version, 134011 of the FlexNet Publisher 32-bit and 64-bit SDK. Our testers are seeing that they can extend the expiration of the trial license by back dating the computer. For example, if the trial license has 47 days remaining and they backdate the computer two months, license will appear to have 107 (roughly) days remaining. I know that the license has an expiration date, but how do we ensure that the user does not try to trick licensing by back dating the computer?


In case of trusted storage, you can use LM_A_TS_CHECK_BADDATE attribute for checkout requests. If set to TRUE, a check is made to see if the timestamps in trusted storage indicate that the clock on the machine has been wound back. When windback is detected, the checkout fails with the checkout error LM_TS_BADDATE. This attribute is used to check for windback when the license rights are held in trusted storage.

Please refer to page:112 of FuncRef-c for more description on LM_A_TS_CHECK_BADDATE attached in the mail.

Windback detection, for license rights held in trusted storage, is based on the time stamp placed in trusted storage when trusted storage was last accessed. The default is that when the current time is more than 24 hours earlier than this time stamp, windback is reported.

Please refer to Programing Reference Guide - Trusted Storage (Page 63) for detailed description of Windback detection attached herewith.

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Last update:
‎Nov 11, 2013 07:02 PM
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