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Level 2

lc_flexinit failed: 20 when launching the example application lmflex.exe


I am a new user of FlexNet Publisher and begin to evaluate it. After having a representative of Flexera by phone, I received an email to confirm a FlexNet Licensing Evaluation of two weeks. I follow instructions to connect to "Product and License Center" and I have downloaded the toolkit and documentation.

I am now following the "Getting Started with License File -Based Licensing" documentation but my first try failed. More precisely, launching the example application "lmflex.exe" (first example in the documentation), I got directly an error "lc_flexinit failed: 20".

If I understand, this error means it does not find a licence to launch the application. Using "lmtools" on the executabe "lmflex.exe", I see it seems linked to a licence file that should be "C:\flexlm\license.dat". I cannot find the file anywhere. I wonder if it could related to a note in the documentation: "To evaluate FlexNet Publisher, you need the following:*Demo vendor keys. Contact Flexera Software to obtain these. Demo vendor keys enable you to evaluate the*toolkit on all the available platforms."

A related question is that in the order for*FlexNet Licensing Evaluation I received by email, it is stated "Start Date:May 10, 2017 *-*End Date:May 26, 2017". I suppose this limitation should be somewhere in a licence file, that is probably this*license.dat that I do not have.

I can not find this file anywhere.
Any idea where I can found this file, or if it is another problem ?

Thank you
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Actually my main problem was coming from that Flexera forgot to send me a mail with needed keys, now I am able to compile the toolkit.

Furthermore, to be able to run the example lmflex.exe provided in the toolkit, the flexera support gave me the following command to launch (it is not explained in the "Get Started Guide":

installanchorservice demo lmflex
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Flexera Alumni

You can try setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the platform directory (which would be something like i86_n3, x64_n6, i86_lsb,.....). Also insure that you have installed the anchor services if working on virtualization aspects.

Command to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH "set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" (use set /export keywords when and as needed).

To install the anchor services, use the "installanchorservice.exe". Follow the documents to get a better picture on the same. . Refer to the programming referance for license file document.
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