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appactutil crashes with segmentation fault on certain machines

Our product uses temporary licenses managed by Flexnet Publisher. Our systems use Redhat Linux 8.  When run on certain machines, the command "appactutil -v" crashes with a segmentation fault. The machines that exhibit this fault are later versions of HP ProLiant DL325 Gen11 and Dell XR11. Earlier HP ProLiant DL380 Gen10, as well as vmWare virtual machines used for testing, don't exhibit the fault.

How can this be resolved?

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(1) Reply
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @miztadave This issue need more investigation to give answer to this issue and there was a support case raised for this issue 02757780 so lets wait for our suport team investigation. 

Best Regards,

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