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Level 3

Two vendor daemon share the same log file

Hi All,

I have encountered an issue in which two vendor daemons share the same log file on our server. I have tried to fix it by segregating them and changing the path but it seemingly does not work. Does anyone of you know how to solve this issue?

Thank you.



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(16) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Can you give more information on the setup? Is it a One License Server and Multiple License Files or a Common vendor daemon setup?

Also, one suggestion would be to use the DEBUGLOG keyword to specify the log file path in the OPTIONS FILE.

0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

It is a Multiple Licence Files setup in LMTOOLS. Do you happen to know how to find the OPTIONS FILE?

Thank you.



0 Kudos

Options file is a .(dot)opt file which does not exist by default and might need to be created. If the options file name is the same as the vendor daemon then lmtools should automatically load it considering it is in the same location as lmgrd/lmtool. If not or if the server does not take up the options file automatically you can always declare in the license file on the vendor line. Syntax:

VENDOR vendor [vendor_daemon_path] [[OPTIONS=]options_file_path]  [[PORT=]port]

0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

So I will need to create a new OPTIONS file and declare it in the licence file?



0 Kudos

Yes, that should create different logs for each vendor in the declared location.

0 Kudos

Thank you, Yvernekar.

However, would you mind explaining more about this "One suggestion would be to use the DEBUGLOG keyword to specify the log file path in the OPTIONS FILE."?



0 Kudos

Once you create an options file make an entry in it:

DEBUGLOG [+]debug_log_path

debug_log_path: path for the debug log output

Preceding the debug_log_path with a "+" character appends logging entries; otherwise, the file is overwritten each time the daemon is started.

0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

So, the log will be generated in the debug log?



0 Kudos

The log will be created at the location specified by you ie <debug_log_path>

0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

Does it impact the software if these changes have been made? Or potential vulnerabilities?

Thank you.



0 Kudos

As per my knowledge, it does not. 


0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

What would happen to the old log file?



0 Kudos

If the "+" symbol is not added, the log files get replaced with the new log file. If the "+" is added in front of the path then the log gets appended to the file.

0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

Thank you. I will let you know if it is successful.



0 Kudos

Hi Yvernekar,

It seems it doesn't work. It gave me an error. It says DEBUGLOG AUTO_ROLLOVER is disabled.

Thank you.



0 Kudos

Hi, Can you try adding the AUTO_ROLLOVER keyword as shown below, and check if that solves the issue? if not, please raise a Support case.


Note : Here we can specify KB/MB/GB for file size to rollover 
  • Here the last entry about [AUTO_ROLLOVER] is the enhancement related to the rollover of debug log.
  • The AUTO_ROLLOVER option enables the auto rollover of debug log file, which automatically performs the rollover functionality of debug log file when the debug log file size crosses the specified value. The default value would be 512MB.
  • The automatic rollover will always be performed at midnight.
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