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Level 2

Timeout when communication to license server is lost.


Im testing the automatic in heartbeat feature in publisher 11.6. When i use the values as bellow i get an timeout time to 3 minutes and 40 seconds. I was expecting 20 seconds. I can't figure out why it takes 3min 40sec.

(void)lc_set_attr(m_job, LM_A_CHECK_INTERVAL, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)20);
(void)lc_set_attr(m_job, LM_A_RETRY_COUNT, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)1);
(void)lc_set_attr(m_job, LM_A_RETRY_INTERVAL, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)10);

Best regards

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Flexera Alumni

For one possibility, please see the documentation for LM_A_CHECK_INTERVAL in FuncRef-c.pdf: the minimum heartbeat interval is 30 seconds, and if lc_set_attr sets the interval to a value from 0 through to 29 seconds, the call is ignored and the interval remains unchanged (from the default 120 seconds, normally).
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