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Level 4

Help in Heartbeat implementation

Hi All,

I have been evaluating the Flexnet Licencing for java.

1. I have installed as per the QuickStart_flm_unix.htm guide. However, i 'm are not able to execute the sample programs available under the flmjava/v10.8.2.1/examples directory. While executing the sample programs we are getting the exception as "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid FLEXlm key data supplied (-44,7004) ". Did i miss some thing here ?? Please help.

2. Moreover, for the heartbeating with the license server we want to use the manual heartbeat. I think there is no default implementaion for the Hearbeat interface. So we need to implement all the methods in the Heartbeat. I am confused with how to provide the implemetation the for some core methods like getReconnects(),sendHeartbeat(),doHeartbeat(),. Please help me with some example code for Hearbeat. Is there any way to get the Heartbeat object??

Please help me in overcoming these problems ..That will help me a lot..

Thanks in advance,
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(1) Reply
Level 4

Hi ,

Sorry for the confusion happened in the #2 with manual heartbeat. I understand that there is no need to create the Hearbeat object. We just need to set the heartbeat parameters in the ConnectionDataAdapter.

For #1 i'm still facing the same problem .Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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