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Level 5

Create vendor daemon and Setup lmadmin on linux system

Hi Team,

Currently for windows system I am using 'x64_n6-' flex kit to generate vendor daemon(.exe file). And for installing floating license server we are providing 'lmadmin-x64_n6-' to customer which is specific to Windows.

I want to create vendor daemon specific to linux system. Can this same kit(x64_n6- be used to create daemon for linux? If not, can you tell me which kit I need to download. Also please mention steps to create it. Furthermore,  please suggest which lmadmin I have to download for linux system(RHEL 7.9).

(Please refer me any docs to do so).

Note: I want to install FNP for Java specific application only.




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(1) Reply
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @ashish01 Yes, for Linux you have to download the latest "FlexNet Publisher Red Hat Enterprise ref. Linux LSB xxxxxx" toolkit along with latest lmadmin for linux can be download from here

Best Regards,

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