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FNO data transformation to flexnetreporting fails with Error: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_USR"

FNO data transformation to flexnetreporting fails with Error: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_USR"


FlexNet Operations On-premises reporter transformation jobs fail with the error "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_USR". The conflict occurred in database "flexnetreporting", table "dbo.USER_DIMENSION", column 'ID'."


This error occurs when a user in FlexNet Operations (FNO) is created without an account. This creates a record in PLT_USER table for the user but with no relation to account (ORG_ID) in PLT_ORGUNIT table of FNO database. So when the transformation is run,  it fails with the given error trying to insert transformed data into reporter DB and the table "USER_ORG_RELATION" as this table has "not a null" column structure for ORG_ID. 

Or in simpler words, the table  USER_ORG_RELATION doesn't accept the empty or null values for ORG_ID column and hence the error.  Below is the screenshot showing sample logs for the issue:


The above highlighted error means that the transformation failed for the record number 49 from the table USER_DIMENSION which got failed to Insert In to USER_ORG_RELATION table of flexnetreporting database.


Always make sure that all the users in FNO is created with an account linked to it. Now to fix the issue, take the problematic record/user and do one of the following :

1.  Delete the problematic record/user by following either "a " or "b"

      a) from FNO DB i.e from PLT_USER table and from the flexnetreporting DB i.e from USER_DIMENSION   table.  (Or)

      b) Use soap webservice call deleteUser.

2. Fix the user, by linking them to an account by using soap call updateUser.

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Last update:
‎Oct 12, 2022 04:24 AM
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