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Level 3

Email Template: Getting License Model info while iterating over Line Items

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with my email template.

I'm currently iterating over my line items and building a table with information, like this:

[[FOR-EACH TAG="EntitlementLineItem"]]
        <td> [[ActivationID]] </td>
        [[FOR-EACH tag="EntitledProduct"]] 
            <td> [[Name]] </td>
            <td> [[Count]] </td>
        [[END FOR-EACH]] 
        <td>[[SeatCount]] </td>
        <td>[[StartDate]] </td>
        <td>[[ExpirationDate]] </td>
        <td>[[LicenseModel]] </td>


So far, so good.

However, I would like to filter this listing of line items by License Model, and for certain models (identified by name), I'd like to show additional information, like the Instance ID for CLS served items.

Now there are several problems with this. While there is a merge tag [[LicenseModel]], it apparently contains composite data; I don't know how to isolate the name from it so I can use it in an [[IF]].

Furthermore, I don't know how to get the Instance ID. There's [[DEFAULT_GLS_INSTANCE_ID]], but it only seems to be working from a global scope, not within my loop.

Can you give me some hints how I could solve this?

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Level 2


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