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Features through REST API (CLS)

I am trying to receive a list of Features that are available in CLS using the following request:


But the list doesn't include features that are expired. I am assuming the parameter "activeOnly" is used for that and also, its default value is "false", which means all Features. The information I found in the documentation (2022.08 page 95) defines a active Feature as "A feature is considered active if it has started (its start date is in the past, or no start date is present) and has not reached its expiration date as defined in the back office". I am assuming the Back Office is actually CLS in this case. 

Checking the list of Licenses (Products) through FNO (Devices/.../View Server), it includes products whose the expiry date has passed but their features are not included in the request response. 

Is there anything else I should consider to receive the entire list ?  




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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @alexjavarotti ,

Here's how it works ... 

Lets say you have features on a License Server with various expiration dates.  When features expire, you will still be able to see them using the /features endpoint (activeOnly=false is default).  In the FlexNet Operations producer portal you can get the same information by first selecting the Server then select View / View Response.  This Response will be the last capability response sent to the License Server containing the license features, expiration dates, etc.  The information in the response containing the expired features will be present until the license rights on the server are updated.  

The license rights on the server will be updated when :

  1. Changes to any of the existing entitlements on the Server are made,  such as a Quantity or date change, or
  2. If you map additional line items to the server

One the license rights are updated, any existing entitlements that have expired will be removed from the server.  They will not be present when viewing the latest Response sent to the server nor when using the /features REST endpoint.

Best regards,


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