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Setting the Display Language for the Web-UI

Setting the Display Language for the Web-UI


This article will provide details to Set the Display Language for the Web-UI


By default, the Software Manager Web-UI will display in English. This article provide information on how to change the language displayed by the Web-UI.


After registering a product with Flexnet Connect, a registration file will be created in the following directory:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\FLEXnet\Connect\Database
The file will be named <productCode>.ini, where <productCode> reflects the product code of the registered product, the following should be seen:


This LanguageID value will control the what language the user interface will display in. By default, this is set to 1033 (English). For example, if you want the Web-UI to display in German, then you would need to set the LanguageID to "1031". Typically, this is done as part of the installation process, by setting the DWUSLANG MSI property. You can also set this by running the following command line:

agent.exe -sv<productCode> "LanguageID" "1031"

NOTE: In addition to changing the language that the Web-UIs is displayed in, this will also evaluate the language defined for the update. For example, if you have an update which has the language property set to English, then the update will only display when the language ID in productCode.ini is set to "1033". If you wanted to display an update if the LanguageID is set to 1031, then your update must have the language set to either "German", or "{Any Language}".

Additional Information

For a complete listing of language ID's supported by Flexnet Connect, see the subject "Supported Languages", in the Reference section of the Flexnet Connect Help Library.
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Last update:
‎Mar 29, 2012 11:22 AM
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