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Level 2

incremental update for Microsoft Access File.


My software has all the pricing information stored in a Microsoft Access file. And from time to time, the pricing information will be changed. Is it possible to notify the end user and update their data file with the new information ? I dont want to do replacement, because the data file (MDB) is over 50 MB in size. I want to only update the cells which are modified. Is there a way to do it in update service? Or I need to write my own "replication program" ?
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(2) Replies
Level 2

How did you originally install this Access database? Did you used an MSI-based installation? If so then you can just use one of our products to build a patch, and then you can distribute the patch via the Update Service.

If this install is not MSI-based then you can also distribute just an executable via the Update Service. Typically this is a setup.exe authored in one of our products, but it can potentially be any executable that you want. So if you can bundle the updates into an executable then yes you could deploy this with the Update Service.

If you have any additional questions I would suggest that you evaluate the product. It is available for a free evaluation period, and you will also have free support during this evaluation period.

Tim Bradley
Technical Support Engineer
0 Kudos
Level 2

right. But either way I had to replace the current copy of MDB file with the new file right?
I just want to update the modified cells.
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