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Level 3

Windows Callout APIs - Update plugins

In the UpdateService 4.5 help there is a section called Update Plugins -> Win32Plugins wher is specified "Client-side Callouts for the Windows Agent must be implemented as a .DLL that the agent can load. This .DLL will implement and export any or all of the client-side callout functions, which will be called by the agent at the appropriate times.
My question is how do I specify the .dll which contains the callback functions that will be called by the agent at the appropriate times.

What I am trying to do is to extend the information send by IAgent::CollectDefaultProfileData (os version ...) to the server. I want to send also information from my product area (like most used features of my product) before the update process is started.

Is there another way of doing this (sending more info)?
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(1) Reply
Level 3


You specify the URL location of the DLL on the Publisher site when you create your update.

Since profile data persists on the client machine, you can actually collect it any time you want and it will be sent to the Notification Server the next time the application checks for updates, or the next time SynchProfiles is called. So you really don't need to use a callback to collect this info. Instead, you could have the setup program or the application itself add profile data.
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