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Level 3

Update service broke IS2.03 version

I have a build machine that has IS2.03 and DevStudio(9.0) on it. I was working on a 2.03 project (older version of our product) and also needed to fix the bug in our new version which was written in DevStudio. When I lauched it it stated that there were updates. I install the new update service 3.10 (i think) and it asked for a reboot.

After the reboot, IS2.03 wont come up. I watch in taskman and it launches then dies. I tried to repair it, reinstall it, remove/reinstall and nothing.

I'm dead in the water and I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction. This is a production machine and i don't install many updates or software on this... so, I know it was this last update. Also, does anyone know how to remove this last update
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(8) Replies
Level 9

When you refer to IS 2.03, are you referring to the InstallShield IDE or to an Update Service client? (at that time I believe it was ISWI which later became DevStudio).

0 Kudos
Level 3

I'm refering to the version of installshield product. I believe the correct product is ISWI 2.03 (Installshield for Windows Installer).

After I installed the update the was a new Shortcut at the root of the start menu "Program Updates" and the version of the service was 3.10

0 Kudos
Level 9

That's what I thought, and what was the confusing part. To my knowledge, the Update Service update would not have touched anything that had to do with the ISWI IDE. It would only update its own client files within the %programfiles%\Common Files\InstallShield\UpdateService folder.

However, I'll check with one of the Q/A guys just to be sure I'm not wrong about that.


Originally posted by mikfoc
I'm refering to the version of installshield product. I believe the correct product is ISWI 2.03 (Installshield for Windows Installer).
0 Kudos
Level 3

thanks... I have done no updates (except downloading objects and merge modules) on this machine since i installed the DevStudio product in march. That includes microsoft updates.

Also, I never had that shortcut until now.

BTW, is there a way to remove it, and is there a way to launch the iside.exe with a log setting to se where it's dying
0 Kudos
Level 9

I remember something about older versions of express & ISWI which dealt with a particular dll. Re-registering the DLL would resolve it.

Could you please try re-registering (scrun.dll or scrrun.dll I cannot remember) using regsvr32?


For example, under start | run type
regsvr32 "scrun.dll"

Then try running ISWI. Also, please post for the benefit of all whether it works or not.

PS. Please note that I develop for ISUS, and only remember some things about other InstallShield products from having worked in internal systems for a long time. 😆 My comments are my own and I am not truly qualified to offer support on ISWI like you'd get in the ISWI forums or from our PSS folks.
0 Kudos
Level 3

thanks for all your help but that didn't work. I also tried installing SP04 for 2000 Server again hoping that would work. I rememember back when ISWI 2.0 came out that needed some components of IE5.5 to work and when IE6.0 came out that it broke 2.0 and then 2.03 came out...

At this point I'm reaching for anything... I was working fine in 2.03
and DevStudio yesterday.... I keep all projects opened all night (i never shut down.... been up 2plus months) and opened another DevStudio project and it checked for updates and i downloaded UpdateService 3.10, rebooted and 2.03 is broke.

I have a DevStudio requirement due tommorrow and after that is delivered, I'm afraid I'll have to remove DevStudio and see if that helps:(

If not I'll have to reload my machine, and I'll have to be careful not to take any updates:rolleyes:
0 Kudos
Level 9

Stupid question here, but did you already submit a request through to the support team? They specialize in this sort of thing. The easiest way to contact them is via

Also, did you look through the ISWI forum for similar problems?

0 Kudos
Level 3

yeah I entered a case... and this was the response and then mine follows

From: Philip
Sent: 07/14/04 @ 5:43 AM PDT


It sounds like something got corrupted during the update. You should be able to have ISWI 2 and DevStudio 9 reside on the same machine side by side. To get you up and running for now, I recommend uninstalling ISWI 2 off your machine and re-installing it again. You should be able to get the ISWI IDE running properly after this, and then try installing the updates once more.

If the IDE crashes again, then try the process again but also uninstall DevSTudio 9 to see if this has an effect.
Let me know what happens and we'll go from there.

Phil H.


I agree they (ISWI and DevSudio 9) should reside on the same machine because they did successfully for 7 months until the update yesterday.

So far,
1. I tried to REPAIR 2.03 (no luck)
2. REINSTALLED 2.03 using msiexec REINSTALLMODE=veums REINSTALL=ALL /I (no luck)
3. Uninstall/Reinstall (no Luck)
4. reinstall the updates in case corrupt (no luck)

I have a deliverable of our version 7.04 product that is written in DevStudio 9.0 due today/tomorrow so, I'm hesitant on removing the 9.0 product until that is deliverable is met. I also have a project that is also due tomorrow using the 2.03 product. After the 9.0 project is delivered, I'll uninstall 9.0 and see if that corrects the 2.03 problem. If not, I'll uninstall/reinstall 2.03 and see if that comes up, if successful I'll install 9.0 and if they both exist then I'll be sure NOT to install any updates that I don't need.

If none of this works then I guess I'll reload the operating system.

This is why I hate taking updates...

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