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Level 5

SECOND REQUEST: Update Service Web Service URL?

What is the URL to take advantage of the new web services? I can't find it in the help.

And some VB .NET/C# examples would have been nice as well.


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(1) Reply
Level 9

Hello Scott,

The URL in question for Macrovision hosted is:

The main Web services documentation is at:

Just one sample from those docs can be found at:

Browse through them as there's C# examples in use... Also, as I indicated in a separate post, I hope to wrap up some work on a set of functional code examples using C#. They won't be pretty, and skip basic things such as exception handling, but it'll give a good idea on usage. They'll be posted as soon as I find time to wrap them up.


PS. Sorry, but I only code in C#/Mono for .NET these days, though I dare say that if enough requests come through the feedback mechanism, our marketing folks may decide they want VB.NET samples. To be honest, though, I've found that examples in either .NET language can be adapted to the other language quite easily...

PPS. Most of the cleanup/packaging I'm doing involves adaptations of the samples found in the documentation. If something isn't covered in there, PM me regarding the method that doesn't have a sample and I'll see what I can do.
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