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Level 10

Publisher Website Improvments

As we look towards the next release of the Update Service, we are planning some improvement to the Publisher website. I wanted to get feedback on one of them that we call page filters.

Purpose: Some customers have dozens of products and hundreds of messages. The product center and message center can become cluttered because of the amount of data shown. To solve this, we are planning to allow you to set page filters to limit the information shown.

Implementation: At the top of the product center and message center, we would add a drop down filter based on product. If you choose a product, it would limit the data shown to that product.

My question... is that too granular? Would it better at a higher level? What if we allow for the creation of product groups and did filtering based on that?

Thoughts? Other suggestions for improvements?
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(2) Replies
Level 5

Although my company currently uses the update service with only a few products, I can see the benefits of having a filter by product available. Possibly, a date filter of some sort for the messages would be helpful as well, ie, messages active as of date x or between date x and y or something like that...

Two other unrelated enhancement requests:
1. Display your msg_id # on the website. It is available as a queryresult field, but I'd also like to see it on the actual website when the message is created
2. An area to capture the patch's guid and return it as part of the query results, or customizable fields that can be returned as part of the query results which could be used to hold the guid
0 Kudos
Level 6

A filter by product would be very welcome.
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