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Level 2

Problems with Machine Profile Reports

1) I have been attempting to gather information for Machine Profile Reports. At one time I could look at all profile items in one table. I can no longer do this. Has anyone found a way to do this with the "new" reports?

2) I have attempted to gather new profile items for the "Default" profile group. It appears that I can only gather information once per machine. Is this correct, or am I missing something?

3) I have attempted to add a new profile group other than "Default" with no luck. I know that before the "new" reports were added I was able to do this as well. Here is the c++ code I am using, does it look like this should work?

CComBSTR bstrProfile(L"MyNewProfile");

IProfileManager2Ptr spPM = spAgent;

HRESULT hr = spPM->ProfileAdd(bstrProductCode, bstrProfile, 0);

if (hr == 0)
// this code definitely get executed

CComBSTR bstrTheProfilesName(_T("UserName"));
CComBSTR bstrTheProfiles(_T("Steve"));

spPM->ProfileSetValue(bstrProductCode, bstrProfile,
bstrTheProfilesName, bstrTheProfiles);


Any help with these issues would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Johnson
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(1) Reply
Level 9

Hi Steve,

You can probably receive a quicker response by submitting your issue to the support folks. They'll be able to assist with your profile creation question.

As for the question about writing profile data. Yes, a profile item is intended to be collected once. If you are looking for an API to write out a series of events, perhaps multiple times (say every time a person goes through a certain menu item) you would use the instrumentation API to capture that flow.

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