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Level 2

Is the Starter Edition free for registered users?

I just cannot find any explanation about Starter Edition - is it free? For how long?


P.S. I just created Starter Account and in my Control panel I see License Agreement section (expires in one year??? - why?)
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(1) Reply
Level 7

The Starter Edition is free to all InstallShield X customers. The Starter Edition is a very limited version of the Update Service. If you have a full version of the Update Service you don't need a Starter Account.

If you are looking to evaluate the Update Service, then I would highly reccomend that you sign up for an evaluation account. The evaluation is fully functional for 30 or 45 days. The Starter Edition is just a way of introducing the Update Service to setup authors. It's extremely limited but will let you get some basic updates to customers for a full year (Starter Accounts are valid for a full year).

If you have any further questions regarding this please let me know. Thanks!
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