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Level 2

Hide update after I install

Is it possible to automatically hide update after the client have downloaded and installed the update?

I have a product with version "1.4.8" and I have an update for that product let say "" After the client run Update Manager and discover the new update, he download and run that update. If he check again for new update, he will see the "" again as available. I want that update to automatically desapear from the Update Manager after it have been installed.

Can someone help me ?
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(1) Reply
Level 2

Eric --

I don't think that installshield checks the fourth part of the version when determining which updates to show. I could be wrong on that.

Usually what I for minor updates (where I don't change the product version) is I place a condition on the update. I use the "A patch is not installed" condition, and I set it to the GUID of the patch itself. That way, once that patch is installed, it will never show up again.

Hope that helps,
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