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Level 2

Help with Update Services needed.

I think I need 101 training on this product. We are currently evaluating the product. I have had it for 2 weeks. Not one phone call from Macrovision of how it's going or if I could use help. So, maybe someone in the forums can help me.

I created an install using IS11. My product version number for this install is 1.1.1 I register my install with Update Services. When I did that, it truncated my Version Number from 1.1.1 to 1.1. I didn't think anything about it.

Then I installed that version on my computer. When I look in Add/Remove programs for my product and looked at the support info, my version number of 1.1.1 showed up in there.

I then changed my project and update the IS11 project version number to 1.1.2 and recompiled my project.

I then created an update to my product in Update Service for the version "1.1"

When I went into the "Program Updates" in the control panel, and click "check for updates" if found an update, so I clicked "Install". It proceeded to do the update.

Once that was done, I ran my product, it was updated.

I looked in the support info in "Add/Remove Programs" and the product was version was updated to 1.1.2.

I then again, did a check for updates. It found on, thinking that 1.1.2 was 1.1.1. What did I do wrong?

If I changed my version number 1.1.1 in Update Service, then I can't get any updates to be found for my product.

Please help, I am stuck and need help here.

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(3) Replies
Level 9

Needless to say, a note has been sent to the person who should've contacted you about how things were going with the evaluation. On behalf of the team, I apologize about that....

That said, the client update will perform something like a string comparison to the version listed on the website. I don't have IS11 installed on my box so I cannot troubleshoot it; but it sounds like you updated the version of your product, though the update service does have a separate version setting (if I remember from the older IS days).

I'm pretty sure that the support folks would be able to walk you through this very quickly, so don't be afraid to contact them via the eService site....

0 Kudos
Level 2

Thanks for that information.

I did more digging in the forums and in my IS 11 project. I found an area where I could change the scheme from just Major.Minor to what I want it to be and that was Major.Minor.Build. I over looked the field in my project because it was disabled. I have my updates/builds working correctly now.

Thanks for the help
0 Kudos
Level 9

Good to hear you're all set. You'll probably be hearing from one of our product consultants once the email thread goes through the chain. 😉

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