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Level 3

Customizing the Update Manager UI

I am trying to customize the Update Manager UI. I managed to change customize the resource dll and it is working fine. Now I’m having problem in starting the application to display only my product. Here is a part of my customized ini file:


The ISUSPM.exe app starts but when I wan to see the selected programs from update setting I can’t see my product. I’m registering it with IAgent::Register(…) and also I can see it in the ISTest.exe application. The product is registered also on my test account on InstallShield site (with IAgent:: DisplayMessages() I can see the available updates).
Does anyone know what the problem could be? If I set the Products value to the “Installshield Update Service SDK”’s product it is working fine (the SDK product is available in the list).

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(4) Replies
Level 3


Does your product appear in the Update Manager when you launch it without the -custom command line parameter? The customization is just performing a simple string comparison to include products, so if it works for one (like the SDK), then it should work for anything.
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Level 3

No, it doesn't apear.
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Level 3


Did you run an installation for your application?

Since the Update Manager is supposed to offer a user-friendly interface, it does not display the Update Service Product Codes. Instead, it displays the product names that are stored in the Windows Registry when the applications are installed. If this information is missing, no name for the product is available, and the Update Manager will not display it. This is true regardless of whether you are using the -custom commandline parameter.

If you have a setup program for your application, use that and it should automatically create the appropriate registry entries to have you product displayed. If not, let me know, and I will see what else I can do to help.
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Level 3

this is the solution. An installation for my application fixed the problem.
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