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Level 7

Customer Total Usage counter not working

In the past week, we have had about 13 new people install our product. However, according to the Total Usage meter, it is still stuck at the same number it was last week. Refreshing didn't update it either.

Can anyone else confirm this problem?

I mean, personally, I would love it if every person we had use our product wouldn't get counted towards our purchased total usage :). I just want to make sure that if there is indeed a counter incrementing in some database somewhere, that I'm able to see it's current value.
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(8) Replies
Level 9

Hello Brad,

The log processor, which would calculate those user numbers for you, was performing quite slowly earlier this week, so I took it offline for a few days while performing some maintenance. I planned on running an update batch beginning tomorrow to catch up, and things are looking good in that regard.


Brad Peterson wrote:
Can anyone else confirm this problem?
0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi, from our end, we still see the same total usage count (for at least 2 weeks), so I was wondering if it was fixed... ?
0 Kudos
Level 9

I'd love to say it'll be available in a moment, but right now the primary log processor is busy with a batch run for reports. Once it's completed I'll run the necessary task to update those numbers. I'll then ensure the fix is put into place and run prior to log processing.


PS. Yes, I did figure out why the numbers weren't changing. 😉
0 Kudos
Level 7

KellyF, thanks for the update on this issue.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks Kelly. Our numbers looks better now.

0 Kudos
Level 9

Good to hear... I'm going to have to eyeball it for a bit, at least until I can automate the check for that.


PBedard wrote:
Thanks Kelly. Our numbers looks better now.

0 Kudos
Level 5

Our usage counter doesn't increment.
Also when we create a report for the verbs of a particular update, we see all zero's for that update. It doesn't show how many times the update has been accepted, downloaded or installed.

Are you sure this is fixed?
0 Kudos
Level 9


Please submit these items to our support staff via eService if you have not already done so. I've been going through reports from them but in all instances thus far, the number of userids listed in the table is correct. I've not heard anything about verbs having issues (indeed I just ran a verb report for InstallShield 11 to verify), so our support staff will need to check out your case.

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