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Level 2

Choose where to install if it is several similar locations

Hi there!

Had a hard time coming up with a good Title for this question but anyway.. I want to know if it is possible for the user to choose where to install my software if it is a number of different folders in "Programs" where the software can be installed.


Customer has several installations of a software called "Metatrader" and all of them is stored in each folder in C:/Programs(x86)/
One is called C:/Programs(x86)/MetaTrader 4 Admiral Markets AS
One is called C:/Programs(x86)/Traders Way MetaTrader 4
One is called C:/Programs(x86)/MetaTrader 4

I want my installer to see this as all are named "Metatrader 4" in some way and ask the customer where he/she wants to store the files. It would be sweet if it also is possible to mark a number of folders.

So, is this possible with Installshield?
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(1) Reply
Level 2

No one knows anything about this?
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