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Level 4

Authentication...What Authentication?

It seems that one can use the -AppStart event to bypass an update message's authentication.

I have created an update message with Manual and Scheduled update events selected (actually I had no choice). The update is an .exe file. When I call Agent.exe with -AppMenu I get the authentication page. However, when I use -AppStart within the update interval, the .exe is automatically downloaded.

Assuming that I haven't missed any configuration parameters, I cannot use this service if I wish to limit access to my updates using the current authentication scheme.

In addition, the authentication info input page is buggy. I was not able to track it down, but half the time when I edit a message, say change the trigger events, the authentication parameters would be lost.

For those out there using authentication, is your experience similar to mine?

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(1) Reply
Level 10

Couple of points. We know about the authentication bug where the website looses parameters. It will be fixed with the next refresh of the website which be released in a couple of weeks.

At the risk of repeating ground previously covered via email, I will reply to your other point. I just didn't want to leave a posting unreplied.

Second point is on the authentication. You wrote...

I have created an update message with Manual and Scheduled update events selected (actually I had no choice). The update is an .exe file. When I call Agent.exe with -AppMenu I get the authentication page. However, when I use -AppStart within the update interval, the .exe is automatically downloaded.

The authentication page is properly display when the UI mode is set to full (weblike interface). By default, the UI mode is set to full for both "manual" and "scheduled" events. Thus, I am surprised by your statement that using -Appstat (which fires the next use and scheduled events) is causing a problem. It doesn't sound like your message is being displayed for "next use". Is the UI being displayed the full web-like UI?

A known issue is that the Authentication parameters are not being displayed when the UI mode is set to minimal (wizard like interface). So if you are using the wizard interface, I would understand that the parameters would not be shown.

Also, I am assuming that you are calling AppUpdate() -AppStart via COM or calling Agent.exe with an AppStart parameter? If you are calling AutoUpdate(), then we need to have a different discussion.
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