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- Setting up TFS with HTTPS in FlexNet Code Insight
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Setting up TFS with HTTPS in FlexNet Code Insight
Setting up TFS with HTTPS in FlexNet Code Insight
This article discusses how to configure TFS for use with HTTPS in FlexNet Code InsightSynopsis
Steps to resolve the issue TFS HTTPS(sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException)
1.Get TFS server certificate(HTTPS) and file look like <"XYZ.cer">.
i.Go to server machine where tfs server is installed.
ii.Go to IE browser settings: Select Internet option==> Got content tab.
iii.Click on certificate ==> trusted root certificate autority ==> export the certificate with <hostname>.
2.Import <"XYZ.cer"> certificate to "\jre1.8.0\lib\security"(where CodeInsight application is installed) by using below command.
keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -file <"XYZ.cer"> -alias tfs
Note: After executing above command, give the password and Accept the trusted certificate by giving yes value.
3.Download and extract TFS client(add to Path environment variable).
4.Enable the tfs option,in "scm.properties" file.
5.Start the tomcat server with new command line session.
Below are the scenario covered.
1. Verified the option of "TFS Update To" .i.e "Latest Changeset","Specific Changeset" and "Label" ==> Working as expected.
2. Verified below URL format for TFS 2015(http and https):
3. Verified below URL format for TFS 2017(http and https):
4. Verified below URL format for TFS 2012 update1(http):
Covered below SCM:
Perforce HTTP , Git , SVN HTTP