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Unclear error when working with uploadtoscan via REST API


I am working on a process that sends a .zip file to the core server where a groovy script can run and upload the file for scanning. The .zip file and the groovy script will sit in the same directory, and both are pushed to the core server via a Jenkins job.

The restURL looks something like this:

However, when I execute the script I get the following error:

"Description ":"Error. Bad Request. Please check the error(s).","Error(s) ":{"com.palamida.appsec.BusinessException":"The Scanner could not confirm the location of the uploaded content."

I am not sure what this error means. Is it unable to confirm the location of the file that needs to be uploaded? Is it a configuration issue? I have confirmed that the file sits in the same directory as a script on the core server, but it does not get sent to the scan server.

Right now I have the file on this scan server  set such that uploadToScanUploadDirectory= /data/source/uploadToScan where the root directory is /data/source. I manually created the /uploadToScan directory. Maybe the issue is that the project's root does not match /data/source/uploadToScan?

Upload to scan is enabled in, and = scan1,scan2 which are the aliases for our scan servers.

Any help would greatly be appreciated!


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(1) Reply

Hi @kast_adobe,

Can you please check the permissions on the '/data/source/uploadToScan' directory to ensure full access is available? With this being a manually created directory it is possible that not all users have access to the directory in order to access the codebase within. If this does not work please raise a Support case and our Technical Support team will be happy to investigate this issue with you.

Kind Regards,


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