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Warning 1909

I am getting "Warning 1909. Could not create shortcut .lnk. Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it."

This is a project I migrated from IS12. I have not changed the shortcuts and they worked before I migrated to IS2008. The link should point to a log file which may or may not exist at the time the shortcut is created. Even if the file is there, I get the message.

Any ideas?
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

What are the shortcut properties (its directory, target, etc.)? If you re-create the shortcut by hand, does that version work?
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Recreating it didn't fix it. The properties looked fine, HOWEVER,

The subfolder for the file the shortcut was pointing to wasn't under my Files and Folders view. It was in the Directory table in the direct editor, but not in the treeview. I re-added the subfolder to files and folders and it created a new one which I used in the target property of the shortcut. That fixed it.
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