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MySQL8 database connection error during FlexNet Code Insight installation on Linux

MySQL8 database connection error during FlexNet Code Insight installation on Linux


The issue occurs in this environment:

  • The operating system on which FlexNet Code Insight and its associated database is installed is CentOS 7 or RHEL 7.
  • The Code Insight database is MySQL version 8.


When you use the FlexNet Code Insight installer to install the latest version of Code Insight on a Linux machine, an error related to the database connection can occur even though the database log-in credentials provided during installation are valid.

To view the error description in a Code Insight installer log, open the attached file.


MySQL 8 uses a set of time zone values that are different from values used by CentOS and RHEL. For example, MySQL8 uses time zone values that include “PDT”, “CST”, and so forth, whereas Centos and RHEL use named time zones such as “America/Chicago” and “Europe/Lisbon”.


The MySQL time-zone tables must be populated with named time-zone values from the publicly available “zoneinfo” (or “tzinfo”) database used by computers and operating systems internationally. Once these tables are populated, you can configure MySQL with the named time zone appropriate for your location.

To populate MySQL time-zone tables and reconfigure the MySQL time zone, do the following:

  1. From the machine on which the MySQL resides, run the following command to populate the MySQL time zone tables:
    mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/|mysql -u root mysql -p

  2. To reconfigure the MySQL time zone, open the my.cnf file in your MySQL installation, and edit the "default_time_zone" line to reflect the named time zone appropriate for your location:

    This example uses the America/Los_Angeles named time zone. To help you locate the appropriate time zone for your MySQL installation, click here:
  3. Save my.cnf.
  4. Restart MySQL to apply the changes.


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‎Sep 10, 2019 11:26 AM
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