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FlexNet Code Insight ScriptRunner returns "Current user admin doesn't have script admin role" error

FlexNet Code Insight ScriptRunner returns "Current user admin doesn't have script admin role" error


This article provides a resolution for the error: Current user admin doesn't have script admin role, please contact your System Administrator.


While running a scriptRunner script in FlexNet Code Insight 6.8 or later with a user with script admin role, you receive the following error:

    Current user admin doesn't have script admin role, please contact your Palamida System Administrator


Try the following steps:

1. Try deleting the $USER/.palamida/config/scriptRunner/ file to get rid of cached scriptRunner credentials.

NOTE: The location of this file will depend on whether or not you are running scriptRunner from the server or client machines.

Then make sure that you are able to open the Groovy console using only the scriptRunner username:

./ -u admin

And enter the JWT token for admin when prompted.

If you can get to the groovy console, you?ve authenticated, and you know scriptRunner itself is not the problem.

2. Ensure that any URLs passed to scriptRunner are formatted correctly. For example:

-server flag no longer takes just hostname, but full URL like http://servername:8888/palamida/

Conversely, the -scan_server flag now takes just servername:8888

3. Ensure that the -c flag provides the core server location followed by a "/". For example:


Note that the trailing slash is necessary.

4. Check $palamida/scriptRunner/log/scriptRunner.log for any additional stacktrace/exception.

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The same error "Current user admin doesn't have script admin role" was also returned when our client system's Java trust store did not trust the SSL certificate presented by the core server.  But the message came even before a connection to the server was established

Hi @dgstangel ,  I am also getting the same error. How did you resolve it?


Issue was with the java version. When I pointed to correct java version, it worked.

Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 22, 2018 04:19 PM
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