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FlexNet Code Insight Custom Data Remap Script and Documentation

FlexNet Code Insight Custom Data Remap Script and Documentation


This article provides information on the FlexNet Code Insight Custom Data Remap Script and Documentation.


This article provides information on the FlexNet Code Insight Custom Data Remap Script and Documentation.


The FlexNet Code Insight Custom Data Remap script maps your custom records to FlexNet Code Insight records so you can benefit from future FlexNet Code Insight updates to the record?s security vulnerabilities, versions, licenses and other information such as description or url. The script allows you to remap the following items:

  • Custom component to an FlexNet Code Insight component.
  • ?Custom component-version to an FlexNet Code Insight component-version

?The attached zip file ( contains the script and a PDF document on its use.


Additional Information

The following known issues have been identified in this script:

SCA-1738: Cannot map more than one custom component to same FNCI component due to ID collision.
SCA-1814: Deletion of custom component version (deprecated) removes the custom component from the UI
SCA-1660: Deletion of a custom-component-version-vulnerability also removes the mapped FNCI-component-version-vulnerability

Please contact our Technical Support team for further information on any of the above issues.

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This script remaps the custom component ..

But , how to handle the remap of custom versions on a FNCI component ..

whet i run the script using normal FNCI version at first and second element in csv i see below error 

Remapping from 63149 to 63149
Remapping error: Cannot remap non-custom components.


Here are the scripts to remap custom versions and custom license and have been attached






Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 18, 2019 04:37 PM
Updated by: