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Level 3

DirectX 9 Issues

Two issues:

1) It always asks if you want to install version even if is already installed. Benign but annoying.

2) The DirectX installer pops up behind teh install shield wizard which continues to run concurrently.

Any thoughts on work-arounds for either of these?

Also, I note that many posts do not get answered here. Is there a more recent "know issues" link than the one provided in teh sticky?

Thanks all!
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(4) Replies
Level 2

How are you installing DirectX? Are you using the built in merge module? Also, what kind of project is this? When you use the merge module, there should be an option to have it install without prompting the user.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks for the response.

I'm using Installscript MSI for this.

Yeah, I was forced to use the "silent" install approach. Hacky work-around for what seems like a bug to me.

I'll post more if I ever find a solution (or decide to roll the $250 dice to get actual tech support for this product).
0 Kudos
Level 2

Yeah, I think the merge module is actually from Microsoft, so that's something that would have to be fixed by their directx detection. If you're making this installer for a game, it's actually proper to do a silent install as a Games for Windows requirement. The only problem with this that I've run into with the merge module on an Installscript MSI project is that if the installation is very large, it's possible that the installing text won't update after it installs. (the loading bar keeps going forward, but the text is stuck on "DirectX Installed Successfully")
0 Kudos
Level 8

Why doesn't the InstallShield supplied DirectX 9.0c allow you to install it before a feature? Just about all of the other redistributables IS provides give me this option. I need to be able to include DirectX 9.0c and specify it's order as it is occasionally interrupting my "core" install.
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